Terms And Conditions

Please review your files and order before submitted. Customer is fully responsible for final proof and layout approval prior to the printing process.
All artwork, designs and images must be provided in minimum of 300 DPI and CMYK color mode. THE PRINT SHOP is not responsible for images printed as fuzzy, distorted or pixilated due to customer provided artwork.
HERO AND VILLAIN DESIGNS is NOT LIABLE for errors in a final product caused by any of the following reasons: Misspelling, Graphics, Bleeds, Grammar, Damage Fonts, Punctuation, Wrong cuts, Incorrect or Missing Folds, Die Lines, Crop Marks, Transparency, Overprint, Finished Product Size.
By submitting your order to HERO AND VILLAIN DESIGNS: you as the customer agree to the following:
“I agree to the following terms”.
I have verified that spelling and content are correct. I am satisfied with the document layout. I understand that my document will print EXACTLY as it appears here, that I cannot make any changes once my order is placed and that I assume all responsibility for typographical errors.
THE PRINT SHOP will not price match any advertised prices. THE PRINT SHOP does not price match with manufacturers in or outside of the United States.
Orders may not be cancelled or refunded once they have gone into production or any process thereafter. Absolutely no refunds will be issued once an order has been Printed or any process thereafter, including but not limited to Printing, Coating, and / or Finishing.
Once the order has been placed successfully, No Refunds are issued for the Logo, and Graphic design services.
All HERO AND VILLAIN DESIGNS customers agree not to hold HERO AND VILLAIN DESIGNS liable for delays in shipments caused by weather conditions, shipping company delays, international customs issues or any other circumstances beyond HERO AND VILLAIN DESIGNS direct control. HERO AND VILLAIN DESIGNS shipment and delivery dates are calculated based upon estimates provided by our suppliers.
HERO AND VILLAIN DESIGNS will always act to make sure that delivery schedules are met. However, unexpected equipment failure, malfunction and or technical problems may delay the printing process. In case of delay caused by technical difficulty, rush charges/fees will be refunded or waived where applicable. However, technical difficulty will not be the grounds for order cancellation.
HERO AND VILLAIN DESIGNS can only use its own shipping account and will not use customer provided account numbers for any couriers. Orders must be shipped at whole quantities and may not be split up.
Lost or damaged claims can only be filed for shipments over $50.00 in value and can only be done after 30 days from package shipment. HERO AND VILLAIN DESIGNS is not responsible for 3rd party shipping errors, omissions or damaged shipments.
We reserve the right to refuse service without disclosing a reason.
Prices are subject to change without further notice.